Dragon Days

Parents, caregivers, and family are invited on specific Fridays to volunteer at school.

  • Dragon Days are specific Fridays throughout the year where parents, guardians, or family members spend the day volunteering in the school.

    Each selected Friday, 2 parents/guardians/family members are invited to spend the day helping at the school by:

    Arriving early to welcome each student

    Participate with their student(s) on the morning news

    Support multiple classrooms including their student’s

    Join their student for lunch and recess

  • Dragon Days will run on various dates throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Please review the SignUp Genius for more details.

  • Click here for a sample schedule. Each volunteer’s schedule is unique based on their student’s schedule and the needs of the school that week.

  • Parents/guardians/family members are a positive role model, show that education is important, support teachers & staff, and connect with students

    Provides an extra set of eyes at school to help prevent bullying

    Provides much needed support to multiple teachers/staff

    Is another connection point between the community and the school